Manufacturing guy-at-large.


Added on by Spencer Wright.

From a post titled "How Cognitive Fluency Affects Decision Making" on UXMatters. Emphasis mine.

In one study, researchers presented participants with the names of hypothetical food additives and asked them to judge how harmful they might be. People perceived additives with names that were hard to pronounce as being more harmful than those with names that were easier to pronounce. On a subconscious level, people were equating ease or difficulty of pronunciation with an assumption about familiarity. When the pronunciation seemed easy, people assumed it was because they’d previously encountered the additive and had already done the mental work of processing information about it. Since it seemed familiar, they assumed it was safe...

Researchers have found that, when a stimulus feels fluent, people are more likely to make judgments and decisions based on their first, Gut reaction. However, when a stimulus feels disfluent, people are more likely to reconsider their initial Gut reaction. Disfluency functions as a cognitive alarm that gets people to slow down and reassess a situation. From a UX-design standpoint, sometimes it’s good to get people to slow down and pay attention—and one way to do this is to deliberately make the information harder to process mentally by making its font harder to read or by using wording that is uncommon or unfamiliar.