Manufacturing guy-at-large.

specialists & teams

Added on by Spencer Wright.
Slazinger claims to have learned from history that most people cannot open their minds to new ideas unless a mind-opening teams with a peculiar membership goes to work on them. Otherwise, life will go on exactly as before, no matter how painful, unrealistic, unjust, ludicrous, or downright dumb that life may be.
The team must consist of three sorts of specialists, he says. Otherwise the revolution, whether in politics or the arts or the sciences or whatever, is sure to fail.
The rarest of these specialists, he says, is an authentic genius -- a person capable of having seemingly good ideas not in general circulation. "A genius working alone," he says, "is invariably ignored as a lunatic."
The second sort of specialist is a lot easier to find: a highly intelligent citizen in good standing in his or her community, who understands and admires the fresh ideas of the genius, and who testifies that the genius is far from mad. "A person like this working alone," says Slazinger, "can only yearn loud for changes, but fail to say what their shapes should be."
The third sort of specialist is a person who can explain everything, no matter how complicated, to the satisfaction of most people, no matter how stupid or pigheaded they may be. "He will say almost anything in order to be interesting and exciting," says Slazinger. "Working alone, depending solely on his own shallow ideas, he would be regarded as being as full of shit as a Christmas turkey."
Slazinger, high as a kite, says that every successful revolution, including Abstract Expressionism, the one I took part in, had that cast of characters at the top -- Pollock being the genius in our case, Lenin being the one in Russia's, Christ being the one in Christianity's.
He says that if you can't get a cast like that together, you can forget changing anything in a great big way.

 -Kurt Vonnegut, Bluebeard (emphasis mine).  Via @kottke.

andon cords

Added on by Spencer Wright.
...It is epitomized in the paradoxical Toyota proverb, “Stop production so that production never has to stop.” The key to the andon cord is that it brings work to a stop as soon as an uncorrectable quality problem surfaces—which forces it to be investigated. This is one of the most important discoveries of the lean manufacturing movement: you cannot trade quality for time. If you are causing (or missing) quality problems now, the resulting defects will slow you down later. Defects cause a lot of rework, low morale, and customer complaints, all of which slow progress and eat away at valuable resources.

 -Eric Ries, The Lean Startup (emphasis mine)


Added on by Spencer Wright.

good workday today with zach.  lotta progress, lotta dogs.  my surface creation skills are pushing up.   progress below, shown chronologically.  

​what my shit looked like last night.

​sometimes, dogs just follow the team around.

​sometimes, dogs just hang out.

​sometimes, dogs are like "what's up??!??!!"

​fucked with the ring a bunch, and added the battery, but a bunch of the work happened on the "ball" logo, which has been a real challenge to nail down.  it still isn't perfect, and i needed to mess with the shape of the jar to get the logo where it is now, but i did get rid of a bunch of the workarounds that i implemented yesterday, and the overall model is pretty damn good.

​...aaaand, zach's got the start of a layout going.  pretty cool.


Added on by Spencer Wright.

libo and i are currently the epitome of a-guy-and-his-dog-who-hustle-hard-but-ultimately-work-at-home.


Added on by Spencer Wright.

today.  modeling surfaces (i.e. shapes that can't be simply extruded) is fun. 

also: nonstandard thread pitches.  totally. 

yamamoto on jiro

Added on by Spencer Wright.
A great chef has the following 5 attributes: First, they take their work very seriously and consistently perform on the highest level. Second, they aspire to improve their skills. Third is cleanliness. If the restaurant doesn’t feel clean, the food isn’t going to taste good. The fourth attribute is impatience. They are not prone to collaboration. They’re stubborn and insist on having things their own way. What ties these attributes together is passion. That’s what makes a great chef.

-Masuhiro Yamamoto, from David Gelb's beautiful Jiro Dreams of Sushi



Added on by Spencer Wright.
from last weekend's nytimes article on Y Combinator:
He used to tell me, ‘I want to build a product that helps social entrepreneurs and changes the world.’ Now he tells me, ‘I want to be the next Airbnb or Dropbox.’

i find myself deeply ambivalent about this kind of shift.  does it represent a developing cynicism in the protagonist (Strikingly's David Chen)?  or is the second quote simply a refinement of an underlying ambition that the first one masks with evocative language? 

regardless, the real message is in the desire to create the a big, unforeseen, game-changing thing.  which is, as it happens, exactly what i'm (we're all?) looking for. 

nb: it's a good article and a well told story, but perhaps the greatest gem is an exchange about the scent of rain, which apparently goes by the term petrichor.



Added on by Spencer Wright.


you may know it as the RFK, but it'll always be Triboro to me.​
