My name is Spencer Wright; I'm VP of Product at nTopology. We build lattice design software for industrial additive manufacturing, a field I've been working in since 2013.
On this site you'll find records of many of the manufacturing & hardware development projects I've done. I'm particularly interested in understanding & optimizing the manufacturing life cycle of compelling hardware products. I also make stuff - physical things - and am pretty crafty in this regard. You can see some of the things I've worked on here.
I'm always interested to hear who *you* are, and how you found my site. You can send me an (anonymous, if you like) note here.
My email is s at pencerw dot com.
My more-or-less current résumé is here.
I have the *best* email list about manufacturing, logistics, and decision making; you should subscribe. I'm also the New York City Chapter founder of The Infrastructure Observatory, which organizes and runs tours of interesting logistical sites.
You can also find me on:
Everything on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY).
From time to time, I use Amazon Affiliate links in my blog. Here's the official disclosure: is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
To date, the money I've made from Amazon Affiliate links isn't enough to pay for two beers in NYC. Nevertheless, I suppose it's fair to say that it's a source of income. I feel okay about this, but I understand if you feel otherwise. If so, I'd love to hear from you about it.