Manufacturing guy-at-large.

New EBM prints from Addaero

Added on by Spencer Wright.

Yesterday I went up to visit Rich, Dave, and Cesar at Addaero, and came home with a few new EBM prints. These are an iteration on the parts they printed me a few months back, and should be easier to post-process (and are lighter to boot :). 

I'm working on getting a better understanding of the differences in manufacturing process chain in DMLS and EBM (a life-cycle assessment of sorts), and one big difference ultimately will be surface finish treatments. As a result, I'll be sending these parts off to a few special places to get some very special surface treatments applied to them - and then will send them to EFBE for testing. It's likely that different treatments will result in different mechanical properties, and they'll definitely result in different cost structures as well. Stay tuned for updates :)