Manufacturing guy-at-large.


Added on by Spencer Wright.

good workday today with zach.  lotta progress, lotta dogs.  my surface creation skills are pushing up.   progress below, shown chronologically.  

​what my shit looked like last night.

​sometimes, dogs just follow the team around.

​sometimes, dogs just hang out.

​sometimes, dogs are like "what's up??!??!!"

​fucked with the ring a bunch, and added the battery, but a bunch of the work happened on the "ball" logo, which has been a real challenge to nail down.  it still isn't perfect, and i needed to mess with the shape of the jar to get the logo where it is now, but i did get rid of a bunch of the workarounds that i implemented yesterday, and the overall model is pretty damn good.

​...aaaand, zach's got the start of a layout going.  pretty cool.